Complaints Policy

Security Guards Direct believe that if a user of its bidding platform wishes to make a complaint or register concern, they should find it simple to do so. It is our policy to view complaints as an opportunity to improve standards of service and thereby retain customers.

This policy is designed to identify root causes of a given problem and proceed in a manner that gives confidence to the complainer that their complaint is being taken seriously and that a satisfactory conclusion will be found.

The nature of the bidding platform includes three potential areas of complaint.
1. The freelancer
2. The buyer/ hirer
3. The SGD platform itself

If a user has a complaint regarding a freelancer, depending upon the nature of the complaint; if serious enough, SGD will remove the offending Freelancer from the platform. Naturally there would need to be a right of redress and evidence to support the complaint must be provided.

Procedurally a review of a freelancer should be submitted by the complainer. The review will be made public on the SGD website in the form of a bronze silver and gold rating and a zero rating will allow users of the platform to draw their own conclusion regarding the integrity and reliability of said freelancer.

If a freelancer wishes to complain about the buyer/ hirer of his /her services, the same option to provide a review is available although this will not necessarily be made public through the website.

A deliberate misrepresentation of the nature of an assignment and or a non-payment of uncontested fees due to the freelancer could lead to the Buyer/Hirer being excluded from posting assignments on the platform if the issues were not corrected.

If either a freelancer or a Buyer/ Hirer has a complaint about the SGD platform we will respond to a complaint within 3 working days and aim to understand how we have disappointed the user and how we might correct that position to the satisfaction of the complainer.

Our final response may take up to 28 days during which time we thoroughly investigate the issue/s raised.

All of our responses to complaints will be in writing and we give you our assurances that all complaints will be dealt with fairly and with consideration to the inconvenience, distress or general upset that may have been caused.

We would recommend that any complaints are made in writing in order to ensure accuracy and provide a consistent reference point for concerned parties.